Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

7 scariest ghost in Indonesia

Indonesia is the country's number one most-rich ethnic & cultural, ethnic & culturaldiversity that spawned many understand, customs, and understanding the different, the difference was also the one who made ​​Indonesia which is also often known by the name of the country by ranking number one with the name of a ghost in species diversity in each region. The following short story ghost names in Indonesia.

Hantu Sundel Bolong

Sundel Bolong in Indonesia described the mythical ghost woman with long hair and longwhite dresses. Pictured also are formed by holes in the back covered with long hairslightly so that the organs in the abdomen seen. Ghost myth sundel perforated die rapedand gave birth to her son from the grave. Usually sundel perforated also narrated like to take the babies who had just been born. This embodiment is very strongly representedin Indonesia horror movie knowledge 80s where many played by veteran actressSuzanna.

ghosts Genderuwo

Genderuwo are spirits in the form of a large, stocky man with thick hair covering thebody. Genderuwo especially known in the community on the island of Java (Sundanese people call it "gandaruwo" and the Javanese call it the "devils"). Habitat occupancy ishis love of big shady trees or corners of the damp and dark. The creature is reported tobe able to communicate with humans and can also be like a human. The stories mention that Genderuwo mystery can transform itself to follow the physical appearance of a person. According to the story anyway, Genderuwo only androgynous men and canimpregnate women, and even produce offspring from that relationship. Genderuwoorigins as coming from the spirits of dead people who do not want to ride to the afterlife.Genderuwo can not be seen by ordinary people but at some point he may reveal itselfwhen disturbed.

ghosts Kuntilanak

Kuntilanak (Malay: puntianak, Pontianak) is a ghost who is believed to come frompregnant women who died or the woman who died in childbirth and child have not beenborn. The name "kuntilanak" or "Pontianak" is most likely derived from the combination of the word "bunting" (pregnant) and "son". Pontianak city got its name because it is said Abdurrahman Alkadrie, founder of the Sultanate of Pontianak, this ghost interruptedwhen the court will determine the place of establishment. In Malay folklore, kuntilanakfigure depicted in the form of beautiful women whose backs are hollow. Kuntilanakdepicted happy terrorizing villagers to take revenge. Kuntilanak as appears alwaysaccompanied by fragrant frangipani flowers. It is said that men who are not careful it can be killed after kuntilanak transformed into blood-sucking. Kuntilanak also happy to eatbabies and harm pregnant women. In the horror stories and horror movies on TVMalaysia, kuntilanak depicted kill prey by sucking the blood in the neck, like a vampire.Somewhat different picture according to Malay tradition, according to tradition Sundakuntilanak not have a hole in the back and only interfere with the appearance alone. The kind that has a hole in the back as the description above is called sundel perforated.Kuntilanak also seems like a certain tree as a place to "sit", such as hibiscus that growleaning to the side (popularly called "waru doyong").

Suster ngesot

This ghost ... it says a lot in the hospital .. co-star in the halls of the hospital ... ..practically sisters ngesot why? um ... its history .... there is a nun who was raped at the doctor the doctor teus pregnant sisters do not want the responsibility .... killed and entera room ... ... ... ... ... ... Well be a nun ngesot RS ROAD SALEMBA, said here that the origin of Suster ngesot. In addition, many cases of sightings that occurred in the hospital buildings are quite old. Testimonial: Secure Parking According to officials whorequested anonymity, every night at about 2 am, often there is a knock on the postalentrance located near the funeral home. But when checked, no one. In the ER often heard the sound of someone playing the water, when checked nor is there a nobody.The security guards who watch the night never met the woman. When looking at these figures, they are like enchanted and could not scream or run up to this woman through.


its ghost is really small .... Tuyul is a kind of ethereal being who can be seen by the eye.Small tangible such as a human child. he is usually given a task to find the money. hecould get into the trap tuyul. to prevent it we can recite prayers efficacious to repel andreject tuyul and his friends. These ghosts are usually sold bought a lot .... he said to getthis ghost needs to fasting etc..

Simanis Ancol bridge

History: In 1995, a painter in Ancol visited by a woman who asked painted. When a newartist to draw
half of her body, she disappeared. Residents believe that she is The Sweet BridgeAncol. This myth was started decades earlier. In the 60's when the Ancol area is still adyke-pond, a boat rower ever met with The Sweet. Women's boat ride at night and payrowers with leaf.

ghost jeruk purut

History: In 1986, a tomb guard TPU Orange Purut on guard night and saw a headlesspriest passed between the graves. Father was carrying his own head and behind him, took a ******. That said, the pastor is "one home". He searched for his tomb which was actually in units of TPU Tanah Kusir Christian, while at TPU Jeruk Purut only Islamicunits. Sapri Saputra, guard the tomb of the priest's head to see maimed, it is stillguarding the tomb and is considered Kuncen or elder people in Orange TPU Purut.Testimony of Mr. Sapri is then spread in Jakarta and to this day "The Pastor HeadTank" became a horror legend in Orange Purut. That said, if you want to see thislegendary pastor, you should come on Friday night with an odd number (alone or all three). Testimonial: Since childhood, Asmari (34), junior Mr. Sapri, have beenaccustomed to living in the area of ​​Citrus Purut cemetery. His father was a governmentemployee who worked there.

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